The Music Program
The music program is taught by Ms.Diana Ihnatovych and Ms Tara Llewellyn. As with all elementary schools across PEI, Montague Consolidated uses the Share the Music series to help deliver the provincial music curriculum. In music class, students get the opportunity to advance their musicianship skills by playing instruments, singing, performing, reading and writing music, and exploring different types of music and styles.
The Christmas and spring concerts offer a small sample of the music learning that takes place at the school. The Christmas concert focuses on grades K – 3, while the spring concert focuses on grades 4 – 6.
There are many extracurricular music activities currently taking place at Montague Consolidated school. Some of which include:
Rock Band
Montague Consolidated is school rock band will be started later in the year. Once they are up and running they can be heard rehearsing on Wednesday afternoons after school. Membership is based on audition and is open to students from grades 4 – 6. The band, over the years, have written and recorded their very own original music, have played with Tim Chaisson and Morning Fold and have performed at numerous community events.
Every other year, Montague Consolidated School produces a musical. Grades 4 – 6 students are auditioned and handed out parts as early as December and rehearse to perform it in May. Musicals in the past have been Disney’s Aladdin Junior, Alice in Wonderland Junior, and Annie Junior.