Physical Education Program

The Physical Education Program for our K to 6 students is taught by JD Farrell and Bailey Webster. The main objectives are to teach active, safe, skills and activities to all students. Emphasis is placed on practicing fair play, good sportsmanship and listening. Focusing on our SURF rules, Safety, Unity, Respect and Fairplay.  

The children are taught in the gymnasium or outside every second day for 25 minute classes. On the alternate days they have music.

The program is active and comprehensive as many skills and sports are taught. The program is enthusiastically enjoyed by all the students. The content of the primary classes includes teaching children through: gymnastics, gross motor skills, activities, tagging games, fitness and testing, teaching using equipment like hoops, ropes, scooter boards, beanbags and balls.

In the Grades 4, 5, and 6 program the safety, listening, and fair play are equally encouraged. The content includes teaching children through skills, lead-up activities and games in the sports of soccer, cross country running, orienteering, newcomball, fitness testing, basketball, badminton, wrestling, floor hockey, track and field. The 4-6 students are also encouraged to participate in their noon time activities as well as the after school programs.

The children are evaluated and reports sent home three times per year, in addition to the parent-teacher interviews.

We are most grateful to have the full support of the parents and Mrs. Shelly King Compton, the Principal.