Monday is Family Literacy Day!
Please dress up as your favorite literacy character and have some fun with your favorite books!
Monday is Family Literacy Day!
Please dress up as your favorite literacy character and have some fun with your favorite books!
Gymnastics at lunch recess today is only for students competing for the team. Be prepared to do your routine!
Wrestling after school. Bring all of your belongings with you as you cannot go back to your class later.
Reminder that there is no going through the school when after school activities are done.
Gymnastic routine practice at 11:40am today.
Next week the team will be chosen so be focused and on task!
No resource groups today.
Madame Dawn's groups will be a go.
If you were selected for the first round of Big Buddy program please come to the Multi-purpose room at 11:15am for training.
Grade 5/6 gymnastics at 11;40 today. very important to practice your routines as we will need to pick the team soon!
Phys Ed. will be indoors today.
Sledding is for K and Gr.3.
Gymnastics for grades 3/4 at 11:40 today.
Phys. Ed. will be outside today.
Sledding is for Gr.2 and 5/6
Grade3/4 gymnastics at 11:40 recess. Gymnastics after school for those with their permission forms.
Sledding hill for K and Grade 3.
You must have boots, snow pants, hats and mitts to go on the slides!
If you are interested in wrestling get a form from Mr. Farrell.
Big Brothers Big Sisters at 9am in the multi-purpose room.
Grade 5/6 gymnastics in the 11:40 recess.
Sledding recess today for Gr.2 & Gr5/6. Please go down by the orange cones and walk up by the yellow and blue cones. Give your sled to the next person in line!
Lego Club starts today for all interested grade 3-6 students! please meet in the multi-purpose room at 11:40 recess.
Congratulations to all our MCS Ringette and Hockey players who played in tournaments this weekend! You played hard and made your family and…
Grade 5/6 gymnastics practice at lunch recess today.
Please get a permission form from Mr. Farrell to come to gymnastics on Tuesdays after school.
A belt bag was left in the gym yesterday, come see Mr. Farrell if its is yours.
Today Big Brothers Big Sisters are meeting in the multi purpose room at 9am.